Fotobuch Erdinger

ERDINGER Weißbräu Project private brewery ERDINGER Weißbräu For capacity reasons, ERDINGER Weißbräu expanded the brewery at its home base in 2015. When planning and implementing the expansion, we rely on proven, long-standing partners, such as KIESELMANN Anlagenbau. The small, existing space at the location becomes a challenge. Not an easy task. But KIESELMANN Anlagenbau also masters this task with flying colours. The available space is used consistently. The former barrel storage which is located next to the new fermentation cellar built in 2008 gives way to the planned wheat beer. ERDINGER did not want to do any experiments and relied on good experiences in the past. KIESELMANN Anlagenbau had already implemented the existing cellar and other facilities of the brewery. The new cellar was fully automated in order to equalize the distance to the filtration. This also reduces the error rate due to human influence. The closed cellar is entered only for sampling. Volume of the new fermentation and storage cellar > 12 cylindroconical tanks > 7 Double seat valve manifolds > Automation of inventory and new construction Process Control System ProLeit Special Features > 80 m long pipe route > ASI bus control heads with LED position indicators ERDINGER WEISSBRÄU