Fotobuch Doppelleu

Doppelleu Brewery Project Brauerei Doppelleu Brauwerkstatt AG In 18 months, Knittlinger Kieselmann Anlagenbau GmbH built a fully automated storage cellar for Doppelleu Brauwerkstatt AG. In Switzerland, the brewers from Winterthur have taken off vertically. Founded in late 2012, Doppelleu has hit the taste buds of time with top-notch craft beer and a distinctive brand identity. Whether in the shop or at the counter, you see and hear: “CHOPFAB” more and more often in Switzerland. A “cool blondes”, red, black or wheat are meant in this case. The Chopfab beers characterise the entry into the craft beer range of the brewery. The eponymous Doppelleu beers are intense and slightly more exotic in taste are. The special feature of the entire range: the Winterthurs brew exclusively top-fermented beers. The creations spring from the wealth of ideas of the technical management team, Philipp Wagner and Patrick Thomi. Already in 2015, the demand for beers was so great that an additional brewhouse and a new bottling plant were put into operation. DOPPELLEU